International Mobile Subscription Identity (IMSI) / Mobile Network Code (MNC) Codes

This numbering resource is fully administered by the CNA.

IMSI / MNC Description

In Canada, the Canadian Numbering Administrator (CNA) undertakes the primary administrative functions for all International Mobile Subscription Identity (IMSI) resources.  The CNA administers IMSI resources in accordance with the Canadian International Mobile Subscription Identity (IMSI) Assignment Guideline developed by the Canadian Steering Committee on Numbering (CSCN) and approved by the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC).The Guideline contains procedures for the assignment and use of IMSIs for Canadian Wireless Service Providers (WSP), Wireless Competitive Local Exchange Carriers (WCLEC), Full Mobile Virtual Network Operators (Full MVNO) and satellite carriers.

The administration of IMSIs in Canada is conducted under the regulatory authority of the CRTC. The IMSI administrator administers only the Mobile Network Code (MNC) segment of the IMSI.

The IMSI format in Canada is a fixed 15-digit length. Each IMSI contains:

The format of the IMSI in North America is:

IMSI Format

The MCC and MNC combine to form the Home Network Identity (HNI).

The MNC and MSIN together form the National Mobile Subscription Identity (NMSI). MSINs are administered directly by the wireless network operator to whom the MNC is assigned.

IMSI / MNC Assignment Guideline

The Canadian International Mobile Subscription Identify (IMSI) Assignment Guideline developed by the Canadian Steering Committee on Numbering (CSCN) and approved by the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC) can be obtained from the CRTC website by clicking here.

IMSI / MNC Forms

The Mobile Network Code (MNC) Application, Reservation, Information Change or Return form (Form A) and other forms are located in Appendix 2 of the Canadian International Mobile Subscription Identity (IMSI) Assignment Guideline, which is located on the CRTC website.

Those meeting the requirements to apply for an MNC should extract the form from the guideline for submission to the IMSI administrator and submit them to

Annually, the CNA will be conducting a MNC Confirmation and Validation of Usage survey. The request letter and the survey form to be completed are listed below.

IMSI / MNC Status

The currently assigned MNCs in Canada are listed here.

The role of the Canadian Numbering Administrator (CNA) is being performed by COMsolve Inc. under contract with Canadian Numbering Administration Consortium Inc. (CNAC). The CNAC Privacy Policy and the Website Terms of Use may be found using the following links:
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